Title - Holiday Guides 1951 Now On Sale.
Artist - Dickens.
Description - A bathing belle is lying on the beach studying the new 'Holiday Guide' for South West England, with a yacht on the sea behind her. Below her is a list of the Guide areas available and the fact that they were available to buy for 1'- each. In the early 1950s most stations were staffed and it would have been easy to acquire the guidebooks. They were very popular publications, as most people travelled by train for their holidays.
Year Published - 1951
Size - Double Royal (approx 40 x 25in or 101.5 x 63.5cm) plus linen border.
Other Details:
Original Vintage British Railways Travel Poster.
Published by The Railway Executive No21
Printed in Great Britain by London Lithographic Co, SE5
Condition Grade and Condition Report:
Grade: B+; un-conserved.
Stiff linen as acquired, repairs to fold wear, two areas of small bubbles. More detailed photos are available on request if required.