Title - British Railways Holiday Haunts.
Artist - Hans Schleger (Zero) (1898-1976).
Description – A striking montage of a black & white photo of a laughing boy, with bright multi-coloured swirls to the top half of the poster. Below the image is a list of the areas covered by each of the guidebooks and a note of their price and availability. The use of photos within graphic artists' designs was popular during the 50s and 60s.
Year Published – late 1950s
Size - Double Royal (approx 40 x 25in or 101.5 x 63.5cm)
Other Details:
Original Vintage British Railways Travel Poster.
Published by The British Transport Commission P1578/1
Printed by Waterlow & Sons Limited, London and Dunstable
Condition Grade and Condition Report:
Grade: B+, un-conserved.
Slightly worn folds, small tears, very minor discolouration. More detailed photos are available on request if required.
More About The Artist:
Hans Schleger was born in Prussia as Hans Leo Degenhard Schlesinger to Jewish parents. He moved a few times with his work, between Germany, the US and the UK during the 1920s and 30s before settling in England in 1932. He was a very successful graphic designer, producing avertising work for a host of companies and organisations. He also taught at top art schools.