Title - Paignton - Torbay's ideal holiday centre - South Devon.
Location - Paignton, Devon, England.
Artist - Tom Eckersley (1914-1996).
Description - A wonderful depiction of a girl with white hat and pigtails holding a huge beach-ball, in Eckersley's distinctive minimal style. It just shows her smiling face and feet with the ball and the sand-coloured background explaining everything about Paignton!
Year Published - 1960
Size - Double Royal (approx 40 x 25in or 101.5 x 63.5cm)
Other Details:
Original Vintage British Railways Travel Poster.
Published by British Railways (Western Region) P.R. 158/60
Printed in Great Britain by Charles & Read Ltd.
Condition Grade and Condition Report:
Grade: A-, un-conserved.
No folds, minor creasing, a few tiny edge tears. More detailed photos are available on request if required.
More About The Artist:
Tom Eckersley was born in Lancashire in 1914, studied commercial art at Salford School of Art from age 16, where he met Eric Lombers. They both moved to London in 1934 to become freelance poster designers, known as Eckersley-Lombers. They were soon commissioned by Shell, the BBC, London Transport, the GPO and Austin Reed amongst others. During WW2 he drew maps for the RAF and after the war continued to design posters, including some for his pre-war clients and also British Railways. Tom's relationship with London Transport lasted over 50 years.
In 1948 he received the OBE for services to British poster design. In 1957 he became Head of Design at the London College of Printing. He helped to establish the first undergraduate courses in graphic design in Britain, and was elected Royal Designer to Industry in 1961.