Title - A Map of Yorkshire - Produced by British Railways.
Artist - Estra Clark (1902-?).
Description - A hugely detailed map with lots of information, vignettes and characters relating to places and history throughout Yorkshire.
Year Published - 1949
Size - Quad Royal (approx 50 x 40in or 127 x 102cm)
Other Details:
Original Vintage British Railway Travel Poster.
Published by The Railway Executive (Eastern and North Eastern Regions) (P.P. 1096)
Printed in Great Britain by Waterlow & Sons Ltd, London & Dunstable
Condition Grade and Condition Report:
Grade: B+, un-conserved.
Folds with wear through, damp stain at right edge. More detailed photos are available on request if required.
Product Code: 2079
Product Condition: New
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