Title - Yorkshire - See Britain By Train.
Location - Wharfedale, Yorkshire, England.
Artist - Gyrth Russell (1892-1970).
Description - A fabulous countryside view. The location is believed to be Upper Wharfedale, somewhere in the Yorkshire Dales, with an expansive view looking down across a farm towards the river in the valley below. The small farm appears to be a hive of activity, with a tractor and cart in use, and both geese and cows in the view. There appears to be a castle ruin in the middle distance. If anyone does know the exact location, we'd be happy to hear from you!
Year Published - 1954
Size - Quad Royal (approx 50 x 40in or 127 x 102cm)
Other Details:
Original Vintage British Railway Travel Poster.
Published by British Railways (N.E. Region) 54
Printed in Great Britain by Stafford & Co Ltd, Netherfield, Nottingham
Condition Grade and Condition Report:
Grade: B+, un-conserved.
Folds, minor creasing and wear-through on right side fold-intersections, a few fox spots top centre. Close-up photos available on request.
More About The Artist:
Gyrth Russell was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia in April 1892. His first job was as a draughtsman in the Public Works Department of Canada, in Halifax. In 1911 he moved to Paris, and thence to London at the outbreak of WWI, where he was commissioned as an official war artist in Northern France.
Between the wars he worked as an artist in film studios, started designing railway posters, as well as lecturing and writing. He became a member of the RBA, RI, ROI, and RSMA.
In 1944 he was bombed out of London and moved to Yorkshire. In 1953 he made his last move to South Wales, where he died in 1970